I just finished watching the TV show "House".... Dr. Greg House had ended up somehow was institutionalized in a Psychiatric facility. Long story short..... he had to make connections with people, sort of open up his heart abit and use his intellect less to keep him safe...... make connections. Intellectualize less..... love more.... feel lost sometimes.... admit it....open up.....control less.
Simply Love.
How do we move from this old control based way of being and simply be in the moment.
I'm reading a book that talks about Love being our very identity. Love is not something we do, it's something we are. It's hard for my giant brain to wrap itself around that one..... probably because it is antithetical to the very premise that the mind and ego perceives the world from and uses to try to make itself safe.
I probably feel lost more than I realize. Probably when I am feeling the most lost, that's when I try and get more in control or control that around me either passively or actively. What if the answer to this was not to try and figure things out but simply remember "I am Love." Just be Love. Even as I write that, I feel as if I lose my orientation. It's as if in "being Love" I believe that I have to let go of all structure and logic and the ability to even acknowledge that it's okay to think things through.
Maybe it isn't all that...some of those thoughts I test yes to. Some beliefs to change there. Even so, there is a completely different way of living I think when one lives as Love instead of trying to Love as an action or seeking love from outside one's self.
What does that completely different way of living as Love mean or look like? I'm not sure. I don't think it's a logical thing to do. Maybe it's more about remembering to make a habit of centering yourself back in your heart and simply feel into that non-linear, infinity that is love, which is our true identity. From there feel and see all as that same Love which is us.
Seriously, if everything is one and there is no separation, then see that person in your life that you feel the most frustrated with or are most afraid of and see them as the same Love that you find as your own identity. Feel into them as the same Love that is the basis of your own existence. Feel into them as Love and feel the Love that must be at the basis of their own existence. Forget for just a few moments what your brain thinks is true about them or what they may or may not have done, and simply be Love without having to do. It might be interesting to try. Maybe this is True Love. I don't know.
I think maybe judgment and anger and the story of whatever our mind and brain is so convinced is real, might just fall away. Even if it is for just a few moments that all that drama falls away, perhaps those few moments create new openings for deep change.
If you'd like to know how to and what it feels like to do all of that say yes.
If you'd like the highest truth of what it is to "Be Love" downloaded into you and that your understanding of that be the same as that highest truth, say yes.
If you'd like to know how to "be Love"and identify yourself as Love in whatever is the highest and best way say yes.
If you'd like to know what it feels like to "be Love"and identify yourself as Love in whatever is the highest and best way say yes.
If you'd like to know how and what it feels like to, as Love, allow the story and drama and meaning that the mind has assigned to other people and things and circumstances, to drop away and simply be in the utter peace and contentment that comes with all that, even if it's for just a moment, say yes.
Love Steve, or should I say...... Steve as Love
Simply Love.
How do we move from this old control based way of being and simply be in the moment.
I'm reading a book that talks about Love being our very identity. Love is not something we do, it's something we are. It's hard for my giant brain to wrap itself around that one..... probably because it is antithetical to the very premise that the mind and ego perceives the world from and uses to try to make itself safe.
I probably feel lost more than I realize. Probably when I am feeling the most lost, that's when I try and get more in control or control that around me either passively or actively. What if the answer to this was not to try and figure things out but simply remember "I am Love." Just be Love. Even as I write that, I feel as if I lose my orientation. It's as if in "being Love" I believe that I have to let go of all structure and logic and the ability to even acknowledge that it's okay to think things through.
Maybe it isn't all that...some of those thoughts I test yes to. Some beliefs to change there. Even so, there is a completely different way of living I think when one lives as Love instead of trying to Love as an action or seeking love from outside one's self.
What does that completely different way of living as Love mean or look like? I'm not sure. I don't think it's a logical thing to do. Maybe it's more about remembering to make a habit of centering yourself back in your heart and simply feel into that non-linear, infinity that is love, which is our true identity. From there feel and see all as that same Love which is us.
Seriously, if everything is one and there is no separation, then see that person in your life that you feel the most frustrated with or are most afraid of and see them as the same Love that you find as your own identity. Feel into them as the same Love that is the basis of your own existence. Feel into them as Love and feel the Love that must be at the basis of their own existence. Forget for just a few moments what your brain thinks is true about them or what they may or may not have done, and simply be Love without having to do. It might be interesting to try. Maybe this is True Love. I don't know.
I think maybe judgment and anger and the story of whatever our mind and brain is so convinced is real, might just fall away. Even if it is for just a few moments that all that drama falls away, perhaps those few moments create new openings for deep change.
If you'd like to know how to and what it feels like to do all of that say yes.
If you'd like the highest truth of what it is to "Be Love" downloaded into you and that your understanding of that be the same as that highest truth, say yes.
If you'd like to know how to "be Love"and identify yourself as Love in whatever is the highest and best way say yes.
If you'd like to know what it feels like to "be Love"and identify yourself as Love in whatever is the highest and best way say yes.
If you'd like to know how and what it feels like to, as Love, allow the story and drama and meaning that the mind has assigned to other people and things and circumstances, to drop away and simply be in the utter peace and contentment that comes with all that, even if it's for just a moment, say yes.
Love Steve, or should I say...... Steve as Love
Think about the act that creates a physical being in the first place. It is the ultimate embrace, as close as two people can be. It is the deepest, most vulnerable and intimate physical connection that we make. It is where body and spirit meld. Considering that as our origin, we are love. That is the ultimate design.
thanks for the downloads with this Steve, when we can let go of seeking love and realise we are the love we are seeking we have awakened from our sleep. we can ask ourselves 'Could I let go of seeking love from this person or situation or thing and could I allow myself to realise and know myself as love " and just say yes or no either way you let go.
There is a you tube video on the word YES thats shows you the power of Yes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AduRSHzQ-gc&feature=PlayList&p=9EEC5F5AC520F099#
Thanks for sharing Steve.
This give resonance in me aswell.
I guess it`s time to move from doing to being, and see that we are the "loving God" we seek outside ourself.
I believe that Love is the true source in everyone, and when we are in contact with this silent inside of us we are peace..equilibrium
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